• What Is That In Thine Hand?

    What is keeping you from doing your purpose?  The truth is likely nothing, and many of us are probably unwittingly doing our purpose in some way or another.  However, if you have yet to discover and understand your purpose, you cannot channel your gifts and energy towards performing it.  Additionally,…

  • Change

    This is my first “requested” blog.  Until now, I’ve simply written “in the moment” from my own, personal/ creative/emotional/ spiritual/philosophical space.  However, I was recently asked to talk about “change,” and I’ve had to sit with that request for a moment.  I had to gather my thoughts, or as my…

  • Getting Back to Me

    Experiences and circumstances may shape who you are, but they do not have to dictate who you become.  I am not one to idly say, “Just get over it,” or “just forget about it and move on.”  I know personally that there are some situations that leave irreparable scars, and…

  • What Cancer Taught Me about Thankfulness

    What Cancer Taught Me about Thankfulness

    September 2010, I was diagnosed with stage 2, HER2 positive, invasive ductal carcinoma – breast cancer.  I wasn’t taken aback by the diagnosis; I knew in my heart, that I was going to be alright.    I had been what Christians refer to as “saved” for a long time before being…

  • Mining my Purpose

    Mining my Purpose

    We were all intentionally created, which means, we all have purpose.  Yet, many are not quite sure exactly what that purpose may be.  That’s okay.  The most important thing is that you know that there is something uniquely special about you.  Your purpose is yours alone, and no one can…

  • “Pebbles” and “Mountains”

    “Pebbles” and “Mountains”

    Doing “big things” and purpose are not the same thing.  Sometimes, people believe that only those who accomplish “big things” have purpose.  They believe that having purpose means doing things on large scales, and they become dismayed when the things they do fail to command a lot of attention.  These…

  • Welcome

    Welcome to Purpose, Power, and Permission! Discovering and living in/with/on purpose is a journey, and it is one that I hope to take along with you.  Come back often to join in honest conversations about our journeys and becoming the people we were created to be.

  • Self-esteem and Purpose

    Self-esteem and Purpose

    There is a significant and most relevant tie between self-esteem and purpose.  Living without the knowledge of purpose can make a person feel empty and worthless.  Thoughts along the lines of, “it doesn’t matter whether I live or die,” or “I’ll never be good enough anyway,” or “I don’t matter;…