Category: General

  • You Are Caught

    It has been way too long since I have been here, so forgive me. I awoke from a dream this morning with a strong message that I knew I had to share.  In the dream, I encountered a woman who was very angry.  She had a bad attitude, she was…

  • The Drought Is Over

    Have you ever experienced a drought? No, I am not speaking of a physical drought, but a spiritual and/or emotional drought.  When one is in the midst of a drought, he/she is experiencing a lack or a deficiency.  There is a need or desire, recognized or unrecognized, that goes unsatisfied. …

  • While You’re Waiting

    On your mark. Get set. Ready… There are moments in life when it feels like nothing significant is happening.  It seems as if you are the hamster on the wheel.  You are using a lot of energy, but you aren’t getting anywhere.  It is during these lulls that many people…

  • Build Your Life

    Like many, I awoke to this day determined to forge a new future and reasonably so. Today is the day when countless people will set new goals and make resolutions, which is great.  However, in order to do so, many people begin by expressing dissatisfaction with themselves and with others. …

  • The Birth of Hope

    Today is December 25, 2012, and countless people are celebrating in many different ways and for many different reasons.  Some are singing carols and opening much-anticipated gifts while others are preparing for festive dinners with family and friends. Old Christmas traditions are being upheld and new ones are being created.…

  • Recovering from Being Dropped

    Not everyone begins his/her journey with the same credentials and qualifications, gifts and skills, or physical and economic advantages.  Wherever you start from and whatever you start with, you must recognize that it is enough to get you to the place you are destined to be. Yes, it does seem…

  • Getting Back To My Former Glory: The Process of Restoration

    Sometimes, you get to a place in life that you had not intended to go.  Somehow, somewhere along your journey, you turned left when you should’ve turned right.  Perhaps, you stopped when you were supposed to go.  And just maybe, you didn’t pay close enough attention to the directions in…

  • Change

    This is my first “requested” blog.  Until now, I’ve simply written “in the moment” from my own, personal/ creative/emotional/ spiritual/philosophical space.  However, I was recently asked to talk about “change,” and I’ve had to sit with that request for a moment.  I had to gather my thoughts, or as my…

  • Getting Back to Me

    Experiences and circumstances may shape who you are, but they do not have to dictate who you become.  I am not one to idly say, “Just get over it,” or “just forget about it and move on.”  I know personally that there are some situations that leave irreparable scars, and…

  • What Cancer Taught Me about Thankfulness

    What Cancer Taught Me about Thankfulness

    September 2010, I was diagnosed with stage 2, HER2 positive, invasive ductal carcinoma – breast cancer.  I wasn’t taken aback by the diagnosis; I knew in my heart, that I was going to be alright.    I had been what Christians refer to as “saved” for a long time before being…