Getting Back To My Former Glory: The Process of Restoration

Sometimes, you get to a place in life that you had not intended to go.  Somehow, somewhere along your journey, you turned left when you should’ve turned right.  Perhaps, you stopped when you were supposed to go.  And just maybe, you didn’t pay close enough attention to the directions in the first place.  Regardless of how you got here, you find yourself in a place where you don’t want to be.  Whether this place is related to your spiritual self, your job, your health, your appearance, your relationships, whatever; the truth of the matter is that you don’t have to stay where you are.  There is a way back to your former glory, and it’s called restoration.

“So, how do I get back to the place I used to be?  How do I get back to my former glory?”  That’s a good question, and I am glad you asked. The answer, it’s a process – one that requires honesty, commitment, and perseverance.  The restoration process consists of sanctification, cleansing, exposing, purging, and celebration. 

The process of restoration begins with sanctification, which means setting apart or separation.  You must set yourself apart for the intended purpose.  Separate yourself from the things, people, attitudes, and circumstances that provoke and/or promote the behaviors that got you to the place that you’re in. If you cannot separate yourself physically, then separate yourself mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  You must make a conscious decision towards change. 

Once you have separated or sanctified yourself, then you can begin to clean house.  By this, I mean you must get rid of all of those things that are blocking your path towards restoration.  You’ve got to get rid of all of the junk and the clutter that is keeping you from thinking straight and doing right.  Where do you start?  You start on the inside and you clean from the innermost part outward.  You have to begin with your heart and mind and then move outward from there. What is it that has you feeling like you’re trapped or stuck? Clean it out.  Get rid of it.  Sweep away the poor images of self and negative thoughts.  Bag up that unforgiveness, fear, guilt, shame, jealousy, envy, strife, and confusion.  Dust off that trophy on the mantle that you won for being a great you. Clean house!

The next step may be a bit uncomfortable for some, but it is necessary.  Once you’ve cleaned house and gathered the junk, expose it.  Yes, put it out there for others to see.  So many times, we act like we’re cleaning, but all we’re doing is moving junk from one room to the next.  We put it into the closet, so no one will see it when they come over to visit.  We are hiding it. Yes, everything looks good on the outside, but the inside is a mess. Restoration requires that you come out of hiding.  What exposure does is allows freedom.  When you expose your frailties, flaws, or junk, you no longer have to be afraid.  It cannot control you anymore because it is no longer a secret. It’s out in the open.

Now that you’ve got it all out on the curb, you’ve exposed the junk, get rid of it.  Haul it away.  Don’t leave it on the curb too long because you might be tempted to go pick it up and bring it back into the house.  Get it away from you.  Dump it in such a way that it cannot return.

Finally, when it is all said and done, celebrate! If you’ve done the first few steps and don’t feel like you are at your former glory, then persist.  Keep going. Remember that restoration is a process, and it doesn’t happen overnight.  You didn’t get to where you are overnight; it took a series of decisions, wrong turns, potato chips, etc. to get to where you are.  So, keep going and you will get there.  Just remember, you don’t have to wait until you get there, you can also celebrate as you’re on your way.

Enjoy life.