The Road Home: Filled With Admiration

“Home” is that space of security and warmth. It is absent of turmoil and deception, lack and strife. It is the space of love and wholeness.  Many have never experienced Home as it was not cultivated in their lives.  Instead, the spaces intended for Home were bombarded with insecurity, unbelief, negativity, judgment, and abuse. For others, home has been overshadowed by loss, feelings of inadequacy, failure, and chaos. Regardless, Home still exists and is awaiting you. Take this journey Home with me as we share daily affirmations to recognize and celebrate our own greatness. Each day, we will come nearer creating that space that is Home. Some may arrive sooner than others, and that is okay.  Just enjoy the journey.

Today’s Affirmation: Filled With Admiration

My voice is filled with admiration for the many great things I witness each day. I use it to bless myself and to bless others. My voice brings peace into hostile situations.  I speak truth.  I build up confidences and tear down strongholds.  With my voice, I transform the world.

Your Response:

Use your voice as an instrument of admiration today. Speak faith and speak life.  Give no voice to the negative. Not only is your voice great, but it is necessary.  Someone needs to hear you today.  Compliment yourself and compliment others. Your voice could make all the difference.

Feel free to share your experience with us in the comments. You’re on your road Home.